Sunday, November 4, 2012

Web Assignment #5 : Beauty

How do you define beauty in photography? 
Aesthetically pleasing images 

What are the characteristics of photographic beauty?

- evokes strong emotion or wonder
- makes person relive an emotional memory or feeling (close to the heart)
- a connection or lure to the image or scene portrayed

Can something "ugly" be considered beautiful? 

Yes, a good photographer can make even the ugliest 
thing appealing by the way they portray the figure


Nothing is truly ugly, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"


Picture the figure like a baby. everyone likes babies. or kittens.
Whether it be by the angle, setting, make-up, costume, mask, contrast, or human-like quality it can poses by the photographer's posing of the subject, a photographer can use the environment and highlight on it's interesting or provoking qualities to induce fascination in the photo or maybe even likeness. This can lead from a liking to an affection and when you like like something, you tend to bring out it's good qualities, and all of a sudden it's beautiful.


                A beast is usually a feared, ugly and unappealing eye sore, but in this photo he is portrayed with love in his eyes and human-like qualities like clothing and standing. The soft colors of his fur blend into the background and the pretty girl, also making him not appear as ferocious or mean. More approachable. The background of a blurred starry night and he faces of the two figures entranced with one another romanticizes the scene and brings the viewer to feel warm and a longing for love. In these ways the beast is transformed from a monster to a lover and gains appeal and beauty in the eyes of the viewer.